Sarah Champion MP welcomes government’s commitment to deliver on another IICSA recommendation, following her campaign

Sarah Champion, Member of Parliament for Rotherham, has welcomed the Government’s new reforms to support victims of child sexual abuse, following her campaign to implement all recommendations from the Independent Inquiry to Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA).

On 5th February, the Government announced it will:

  • Axe the three-year limit for compensation claims

  • Shift the burden of proof from victims to defendants

Sarah has been campaigning on child protection throughout her Parliamentary career and has been a leading voice in calling the Government to implement all 20 recommendations from IICSA.

On 4th February in Parliament, she held a pledging meeting to end child sexual abuse in the UK, which was supported by almost 100 cross-party MPs, Peers, victims and survivors [1].

Victims and survivors gave harrowing testimony of the unfairness of the three-year limit, as well as the impact of the burden of proof resting on their shoulders. They called on politicians to do everything in their power to overturn barriers to access and support them in seeking justice.

Commenting Sarah Champion MP said:

“I am delighted and overwhelmed with relief that the Government are acting so swiftly to implement the IICSA inquiry recommendations.

For far too long victims and survivors have been let down by our criminal justice system, there is still much to do, but this decisive action by the Government to tackle the problem is an excellent start.

As we heard only last night, it can take decades for victims to feel able to discuss their sexual abuse. This much needed change in law will help survivors pursue justice when they are ready.”



Notes to Editors:


[1]  Sarah Champion MP leads a cross-party ‘pledge’ to end child abuse in the UK


Lucy Shearer