New guidelines for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)

I have had a big win with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), which has been failing victims of child abuse.

New guidelines will now make it very hard for the CICA to deny compensation to survivors of child abuse by saying they consented

However, my campaign to reform the CICA does not end here.

The CICA must now commit to reviewing past cases where victims were deemed to have 'consented' with their abuse.

Also, some victims are still be denied compensation if they lived under the same roof as their abuser before 1979, or because of their own criminal record – often acquired due to the grooming process.

This is unacceptable and must change.

There is still a way to go to ensuring the CICA is truly victim focused, but I wont stop challenging them until they get there.

Alexander Guest